5 Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress

Woman opening christmas present
The holidays are all about togetherness, family, food and traditions. However, they can also be a little overwhelming and stressful. Here are some things you can do this holiday season to hopefully alleviate some of those feelings of “holiday stress.”

The host with the most
Hosting the holidays can be challenging. Grocery shopping, prepping, cooking, cleaning…the list goes on and on. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from family or guests that will be attending. Prepare food ahead of time if you can and make a “to do” list of everything you need to accomplish to be ready for the big day. Take time during the hustle and bustle to look around, appreciate the abundance of noise, family, friends and food. Then ask someone else to do the dishes.

Ask for help
You’ve got to buy the gifts, wrap them, hide them and also be at a holiday party three nights in one week. A simple way to help you accomplish all of the things on your to do list is to ask for help. Have your spouse do the grocery shopping and you can shop for presents. When you divide and conquer, you’re able to accomplish twice as much in the same amount of time. Sometimes alleviating one task can make all the difference.

It’s okay to say no
‘Tis the season to say yes! We’re being pulled in so many different directions during the holidays that when we look at the calendar we realize we’ve overdone it. Don’t be afraid to say no or send a gift in lieu of your presence. Look at the events that are a must, or you really want to attend and then think about bowing out of some of the others. It’s completely acceptable to politely decline and invitation. Relaxing and taking time to yourself this holiday season is just as important as being surrounded by loved ones.

Plan ahead
Staying organized is especially important during the busy holiday season. Set aside specific days for shopping, decorating, baking, visiting friends and other activities. This helps prevent last-minute scrambling to the grocery store or the mall with everyone else. Also, remember to recruit volunteers to help with party prep and cleanup.

Go for a walk
It’s not just the season of giving, it’s the season of food. We’ve all earned an extra serving of pie or the fourth meal of the day. But don’t forget to grab some fresh air, go for a walk, clear your head and relax. Walking for 20 minutes will do wonders for your mood and will help you settle a full stomach. So, indulge, enjoy all the holiday treats, then take a stroll as a family. Here’s to a happy, stress-free holiday season!

Here's to a happy, stress-free holiday season!